With another successful uptake of participants for Back Paddock’s Agskilled ProSoils Program which commenced in February; we’re now planning the program and venues for the latter half of the year.

What’s it about?

  • ProSoils is suited to agronomists in the grain industries seeking excellence in management of soils and plant nutrition:
    • It provides the basis for better adviser-farmer relationship to help address soils issues, improve productivity and soil health which goes beyond traditional fertiliser advice;
    • Ensures a thorough understanding of soil chemical & physical properties and their integration for higher quality advice;
    • Provides and strong basis for management of spatial variability/precision ag;
    • With access to leading online soils/nutrition information resource;
    • Fulfils training requirements for Fertcare Accredited Adviser (FAA).
  • Delivered by leading independent specialists:
    • Dr Chris Dowling (broadacre soils and plant nutrition) from Back Paddock
    • Christian Bannan, Soil Physicist from SE Soil & Water
  • Well suited to agronomists with < 5 years’ experience, or refresher for experienced advisers (eligibility criteria apply)

Proposed Venues and Dates

SE Qld (non-funded):

Pittsworth: Monday 30th August

NSW (funded for eligible students):  

Narrabri: Wednesday 1st September;

Wagga Wagga: Friday 3rd September

Victoria (non-funded):

Bendigo:  Tuesday 14th September

Horsham:  Wednesday 15th September;

Here’s what some previous participants have said:

Although I have operated as an agronomist for some years, ProSoils has significantly improved my grounding in soils and plant nutrition, and this has, in turn, helped my interpretative thinking – this is the basis for better advice.” – Senior Agronomist, Riverina NSW

The online technical information in ProSoils is high quality, being comprehensive and up-to-date with latest research, across the broad scope that I need. This saves me time in researching detailed information. ProSoils will help me to further expand my agronomic service offer”. Senior Corporate Agronomist, Central NSW; previous specialist soils role.

Good course with a lot of good links and material, it is an investment of time but no regrets and would recommend it to all!” – Independent Agronomist, NW NSW

The course delivery is a blend of online webinars, self-help modules, and a 1 day face–face practical workshop based on a soil pit exercise.


NSW Government provides funding for NSW-based participants via the AgSkilled funding program.


Eligibility criteria apply for this training as set by AgSkilled, applicants must be in NSW and working in or working towards the cotton or grains industries (other criteria may apply).  Applicants that do not meet this criteria may be invited to complete as a full-fee paying student.